2 min readFeb 15, 2022

Why don’t we take our own advice?

I currently took time out of my prepped reading schedule to write this down. I was applying for yet another internship when a message popped up on my mail. It was from a beautiful person telling me that she had just read my words and it calmed her down because she realised that she could take the advice she gives others.

For a moment there I thought, how effective are the “monitors of the Internet” to know exactly what would get my attention and divert me from my work (lol) but then I also thought to myself on how very true her statement was.

I find it easy to sit back and say this is what is wrong and this needs to be fixed but how easy do I find it to take what I give out?

I have forgotten that Rome wasn’t built in a day and only people who are alive can work ( lol this is because I’ve lost track of the world trying to beat all the new academic deadlines I have)

I have forgotten that sometimes you need to look up at the sky and remind yourself of how beautiful the world is and how lucky you are to be wherever you are. ( this is because I just recently moved and I keep forgetting to just enjoy the cold )

I have forgotten how to manage my time and be effective, I have forgotten that I don’t have the power to create anything and I should stop trying to be the god of my life ( this is because I may move but my rock remains steady)

I have forgotten to do what makes me happy like a call from friends, or coffee or nagging red or the joy from sleep , a conference call with my family and my words. .

I know I won’t get better automatically, because I just passed the stage of denial but I do know that I’ll get better eventually.

What have you forgotten?

What are you not doing because you’ve lost track of who you really are?

What advice do you need to take from yourself?

I hope you find it and find peace above all.


A yoruba girl in her early years , trying to figure out life through stained glass . 🌌