What Next Step?

2 min readJun 10, 2022


Do you ever find yourself sitting and thinking about the next 10 years of your life or even just the next few months?

A lot of people , myself included are at crossroads, it is like a T- Junction of what you think you want and what is actually meant for you. The crossroads could be related to jobs we need to get or relationships we are in or a move away from home or just a decision to make on the next chapter of our lives…

It is always a series of questions you can’t seem to answer, the feeling of not knowing or not being so sure causes the anxiety and uncertainty to sweep in, taking over your mind and making you a victim to crippling fear….

My mom always says, as opposed to how we think God speaks to us, sometimes the communication we seek comes with a cloud of peace. She tells me, if you feel peaceful, go for it. So I settle down and try to listen for a peaceful voice telling me to take the jump or to trust in what I can’t see and hope for the best.

The thing is, when we are young, which we always are either in our bodies or our souls, it is so unnerving to think that whatever decision we make could potentially come back with rain or empty clouds in the future.

So here is the advice to you and I, Let’s try to listen for the peaceful whisper and go for it! Let’s weight the consequences of all our choices and go for it! Let’s try to pray and leap and hope for the best. Let’s choose to be calm, listening for the peace in all our decisions and having the courage to turn away when it feels chaotic even when we want it…

Even though it will be nicer to see our future selves in a dream or something telling us we made the right choice , lets see it the Jon Bellion way, and dwell on this, because if we knew tomorrow, we wouldn’t need faith and if we never fell, we wouldn’t need grace , above all if we knew his plans, he wouldn't be God and maybe , just maybe that’s ok …

Cheers to trusting the magic and I genuinely hope we all make peaceful decisions moving forward…




A yoruba girl in her early years , trying to figure out life through stained glass . 🌌