What does the Cross mean to you ?

3 min readApr 15, 2022

Some thousands of years ago, an event that will forever weight heavy in the minds of those who believe took place. A certain man, who was God and man personified took a hold of our sins and shame and made sure they were nailed to a cross. That act of sacrifice was enough to bring us into a season of grace where we are safe in the thought that the sacrifice of Jesus gives us the life of forgiveness we so freely enjoy.

The tough question now is, how does that sit with you? What does it mean to you? What effect does it have on you? And would you have done the same?

Sometimes I think about it and someone might say “ Well, I did not ask anyone to sacrifice their life for me?” “I had no idea that it was going to happen, so why do I have to live my life for him?”

The thing is , Jesus did not need our permission to save us from the other side of life that involves pain and struggles. He did not need our permission to love us so much he came to die for a world who discarded him when he arrived. He became human to feel the blows and the nails and to bleed the blood that would wash us clean.

If it was me, I wouldn't think twice about my answer, “of course I would not do it”. I am not so nice or generous within my spirit to die for a world who gave me nothing in return, or for people who would not take the time to remember what I had done. But even if he was human, his thoughts were of God and he would do it again if it meant he could save the whole world.

The Cross means more than just hidden chocolate on a trail and a time for us to enjoy the break the world gives. It is a time for us to reflect on a love so big, so pure and so true , a love that chooses us. A love that chooses us when we feel we deserve it and when we feel we aren't worth it. A love that knows no judgement and sees no imperfection. A Jesus kind of love that provides sustenance and peace and hope and salvation.

To me, the Cross is a symbol of how much God loves me and you and us. A constant sign that someone without even knowing me would sacrifice his life, that I may live. It is proof that I am worthy of so much more, it is proof that I am deserving of every good thing and I am going to overcome every bad thing because he carried the cross for me.

I could never repay such a debt, and offer such an equal sacrifice, and he never asks us to. All he requires is us to love him too

If that is not the most selfless act, then I don't know what is..

I invite you to breathe in this air of love, to embrace yourself in the knowledge that no matter who you are, what you do, where you come from , there is someone who loves you and sees you deserving and worthy.

Because you are and you should always remember that.

Happy Good Friday and Have a beautiful Easter in Advance.




A yoruba girl in her early years , trying to figure out life through stained glass . 🌌