Is it hard to tell ourselves the truth?

3 min readNov 23, 2021


Is it easy for you to criticize yourself or do you find it hard to see the faults in your actions?

I think sometimes, I find it easy to see the faults in others, but when it comes to myself I struggle.

You know the saying “charity begins at home”. I’m beginning to believe that honesty begins from the heart as well.

You see, in as much as we all hope for great stuffs and we want a beautiful life , we should be able to realize that sometimes we aren’t sowing as much as we want to reap, or putting in enough effort..

I think one of the greatest gifts a man can have is to be honest with himself. Sometimes someone doesn’t need to tell you that “oh you’ve been really slacking off or you have been procrastinating a lot lately?”

Being honest with yourself means you can clearly see when you are walking on the wrong path.

Using myself as a case study ( as always).

I for one, find it hard to drive at night, it takes the grace of God to see me home safely , but I had been trying to push through and say na, “I’m a pro nothing can happen” and lucky me, life threw me lemons one day in form of an evening rain , I legit had to tell myself that guy, you know you can’t do this thing so why juggle your life on a rope? What about your future babies, how will you explain it to them when you join them simply because you are not being truthful with yourself ?

Not being honest is like being an unqualified trapeze artist, ( that stuff that zendaya did in the greatest showman) and that can only end with you falling.

I’m not saying be self critical because sometimes we could be and it’s unhealthy and steals the joy of situations from us because we beat ourselves up for aimless perfection. I’m saying try to tell yourself the truth in whatever situation you are in.

Like when:

You know you need to put in more time, but you sit down and say God will help me.

You know you need to work harder and you say I didn’t come to this life to stress.

You know you need to put yourself out there but its a chant of God I’m not a bastard o, lol (God ,when? )

I’m not coming after anyone with violence, (🥺) I’m just saying what I do and what I think others like me might do sometimes.

Our lives would take a turn up and might even be easier if we were honest with ourselves, because if we aren’t, who will?

Remember the littlest things have the greatest impact .

We should have the courage to face ourselves and say I did this for you.

And we should have the audacity to catch ourselves before we fall. Just like Adele and just like our Man United Children.




A yoruba girl in her early years , trying to figure out life through stained glass . 🌌