2 min readDec 29, 2021

Gratitude: A must have habit

Hey there, I hope you missed my thoughts… A part of my life took hold of the words I had to give , but I’m actively learning this thing called balance.

If I could describe the year in 3 sentences , I’ll say :

It was challenging .

It was surprising.

And ….

It seemed like a gift.

To me 2021 was a great escape from last year.

I experienced disappointment, the notion of love became familiar, I experienced the pain that came with death and the worry that came with friendship.

I went through the indecisiveness that came with decisions. And the happiness that came through success. I was proud of myself, but also self- critical, and I might have tried to please one or two people as well before I got a hold of myself.

But one thing I grew into , was an attitude of year long gratitude. I guess there’s just something about seeing the numbers of death constantly increase on CNN, to make you feel thankful about your life. I started seeing life as a gift and began understanding that it is a privilege..

I know , I know, it’s nearing the ending of the year and naturally we want to look back and think about where we were in January and where we are now, then we come up with lists of do’s and don’ts to mark the new year that is fast approaching, ……

I do hope tho, that in our lists we have a table for the things we are grateful for. It’s easy to get carried away with what went wrong and push aside what was exceptionally beautiful or even just good.

I know there are somethings or even something that has gone right for you this year, it couldn’t have been plain shitty and if it was, at least you are alive to complain about it.

It may sometimes be hard but learning how to find the good in unpleasant situations will help you to find your attitude of gratitude..

The year hasn’t ended yet so you could still be conscious and make a list true to you.

It doesn’t have to be full of mind blowing things, it could be the little things like walking to work and coming back, eating food you like, being able to sing or dance or sleep. Seeing someone you had missed and receiving a call from your loved ones. Or finding new loved ones.

I’m really happy to see this month end and to witness the year move on to another figure. Most of all, I’m happy that all of you reading this made it.

Wishing you love and light.

Happy holidays from Red and Yellow.



A yoruba girl in her early years , trying to figure out life through stained glass . 🌌